Original, live music in Australia can be found at:
Jazzgroove Association, Sydney: www.jazzgroove.com
505, Sydney: www.venue505.com
Sydney Improvised Music Association: www.sima.org.au/Home
The Macquarie Hotel, Sydney: www.schwartzbreweryhotel.com
The Basement, Sydney: www.thebasement.com.au
The Factory Theatre, Sydney: www.factorytheatre.com.au
Melbourne Jazz Co-operative: www.mjc.org.au/
Bennett’s Lane, Melbourne: www.bennettslane.com
Paris Cat, Melbourne: www.pariscat.com.au
Uptown Jazz Cafe, Melbourne: www.uptownjazzcafe.com
The Ellington Jazz Club, Perth: www.ellingtonjazz.com.au
Perth Jazz Society: www.perthjazzsociety.com
The Bird, Perth: http://williamstreetbird.com
The Promethean Theatre, Adelaide: www.theprom.com.au
Creative Original Music Adelaide (COMA): www.coma.net.au
The Turnaround Jazz Club, Brisbane: http://turnaroundjazzclub.com
Tank Arts Centre, Cairns: http://www.tanksartscentre.com/home/default.asp
Canberra Jazz Guide: http://canberrajazz.net/venues.htm
The God’s Cafe, Canberra: www.thegodscafe.com/index.htm
Canberra Street Theatre: www.thestreet.org.au/
Some of Tom’s favourite places to visit are:
West Australian Academy of Performing Arts: www.waapa.ecu.edu.au